Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm Going to Pax and You're Not.

Or maybe you are. I really don't know you that well.

What is PAX you ask? I have one very simple answer to that question: Google It. Seriously, if you can read this than you know how to use the innernets already and don't need me to hold your hand no matter how supple and soft it may be.

If you don't have googling time I'll tell you that is a video game convention chock full of geeky goodness from old school games to the latest industry announcements and nerdcore hip-hop goodness. And Wil Wheaton.

Why am I going you ask? Cuz I'm an industry professional that has work to do dammnit! <---intentionally spelled with an extra 'm' cuz that's how serious I am about this con. There are panels on game design, writing compelling adventures and appealing to mass audiences of various ages. And Wil Wheaton.

I'm also an old school gaming fan that likes nothing more than reminding a Donkey Kong Jr. cabinet that I am now and will always be it's daddy. And Wil Wheaton.

In the interest of full disclosure I must also mention that a beautiful redhead I know lives in the area and I will surely be visiting with her and we will be playing Bubble Bobble for bragging rights and Ground Kontrol tokens. And Wil Wheaton.

<Writers note: I'm not obsessed with Wil Wheaton, just his goatee and have made it my life's mission to steal a D20 from him and raise it as my own.>

Photo Provided without their knowledge or consent by

See you in Seattle.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you win Wheaton I swear to you, he doesn't eat much and only requires some wood chips and old Dragon magazines for bedding.

  3. Oh so jealous I wannnnna go! (note the extra n's for extra whininess)
    You know you want to hold my soft hand ;)
